President and Co-Founder
Families and Work InstituteEllen Galinsky is the President
and Co-Founder of Families and Work Institute, a Manhattan-based
non-profit organization conducting research on the changing
family, changing workplace and changing community, and the
author of the groundbreaking book, Ask the Children,
which was selected by the Wall Street Journal as one of
the best work-life books of 1999.
Since its inception in 1989, FWI's pioneering studies have
consistently generated national headlines. Galinsky has
co-authored The National Study of the Changing Workforce,
a nationally representative study of the U.S. workforce,
updated every five years, and The 1998 Business Work-Life
Study, revealing the trends and prevalence of business
initiatives that support the family and personal life of
employees. In 2001, Galinsky co-authored FWI's major new
study, Feeling Overworked: When Work Becomes Too Much.
A leading authority on work-family issues, Galinsky was
a presenter at the 2000 White House Conference on Teenagers
and the 1997 White House Conference on Child Care. She was
recently selected by Business Insurance magazine
as one of its 100 leading women for her contributions to
the field of work-life. A popular keynote speaker, she appears
regularly at national conferences, on television and in
the media, and is a regular columnist for Information
Week. She is the program director of the annual work-life
conference co-convened by The Conference Board and Families
and Work Institute and staffs The Conference Board's Work-Life
Leadership Council and The Employer Group, an association
of employers committed to the work-life issues of hourly,
low-wage and entry-level employees. A past President of
the National Association for the Education of Young Children,
she serves on many boards, commissions and task forces.
Her work with numerous companies and governments extends
Before co-founding FWI, Galinsky was on the faculty at the
Bank Street College of Education for 25 years, where she
helped establish the field of work and family life. The
author of over 20 books and reports, including The Six
Stages of Parenthood and The Preschool Years,
co-authored with Judy David, she has published more than
100 articles in academic journals, academic books, and magazines.
June, 2001